Wednesday, August 5, 2009


All day I thought I was going to post this incredible blog tonight. It was going to start like this:

"I was thinking to myself today, I love my new job, working on the water, though the scenery sets a post-apocalyptic tone in places because of the drought and the vast areas of exposed garbage-strewn mud that was recently hidden lake bottom. And as I was thinking this to myself, I noticed a tornado. Granted it was a very small one-- technically a whirlwind, I suppose, but it was distinct and at least 20 feet high and whipping up leaves and dust like a blender..."

Or something like that.

But instead of posting, I went over to the fountain next to the ClearChannel HQ across the street, next to the cafe I've been going to almost nightly. Tonight was salsa night and I skipped it. Why try to train a dead horse, I figure.

But the fountain area is somewhat secluded at night, and I could open up and sing, which I can't really do here in the apartment. Not REALLY. Not without irritating someone or other. Especially not at midnight.

So I did that for an hour. Even that was magical, because as I strummed the first chords of Steve Earle's "And the Rain Came Down" which is both a traditional starting tune for me and an actual prayer for central Texas weather, the frogs started in. And I swear, it was in key. The frogs were singing the same cliche G C D I was strumming as the intro to this first country tune I ever learned. And then we were trading verses. Okay go think I'm exaggerating or tripping. I don't blame you. But you weren't there. I heard what I heard.

Then I came back home just now, reciprocated the love fest the dogs greeted me with, and sat down to write something really profound and journalistic about my new job on the drought-damaged lake. Or about these bands I'm going to be mixing.

But first I opened my email box, out of impulse. Nothing, but okay it's late and I got plenty of great email and other messages today. Still, I opened my hotmail box, which is all spam these days and I rarely open it. It had the latest spam newsletter from a genius dating guru who I signed up for by mistake maybe six years ago or more, and never bothered to remove myself from, once I noticed what an unsung genius of psychology he is, though I've never bothered to buy his e-book or anything.

Anyway, his spam newsletter today said the following, and once I read it, I only felt like cutting and pasting it here, instead of wasting more of my time writing my own words:

First off, I want to mention that LIFE isn't
fair. In case you haven't noticed, almost NOTHING
is fair.

Fairness is an idea that people have created. I
think we probably created the concept to torture
ourselves, in fact.

Here are a few ways that life isn't "fair", as
the concept relates to women and dating:

1) Some men are taller, and some are shorter.
Women tend to prefer taller men. How unfair.

2) A very small portion of the women that are
alive are as perfect and beautiful as the women in
magazines, and therefore it's
impossible for every man to have a woman that is
this beautiful. How unfair.

3) Many men go their entire lives without ever
having sex. How unfair.

4) Some men have sex with hundreds or even
thousands of women in their lives. How unfair.

5) Some men know the secrets of creating that
magical emotion called ATTRACTION inside of women
even though they aren't rich, handsome, tall, etc.
and wind up having their choice of beautiful young
women. How unfair.

The point I'm trying to make is that LIFE

Dating isn't fair, either.

Sometimes a woman will respond positively to
you, then the next day she'll act strange.

Sometimes a specific technique will work for
you, and sometimes it won't.

Sometimes you'll feel great and confident
inside, and sometimes you won't.

Now, most people don't like the idea that life
(and dating) aren't fair. They get upset when
things don't go their way, place too much meaning
on things that happen to them and responses they
get from women, and generally act like life should
be different.

Of course, this is CRAZY.

The more that I realized this fact... that life
just isn't fair... the more that I realized
another PROFOUND truth:


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