Sunday, August 2, 2009

more recent email excerpts...

i have spent an entire day today removing malicious software (viruses, worms, etc...gross...they ate a bunch of my music) from my laptop, thumb drives, mp3 player and digital recorder. that's what i get for plugging in to random public computers all over central and south america. i was in front of the computer all day.

it's almost too hot to go outside anyway. but i did get a little restless. and for about ten seconds i experienced this deep, gut wrenching feeling that i made the wrong choice in coming here, that life with you would have been better than anything at all that could possibly happen here.

then after about ten maybe twenty...maybe thirty... seconds, the feeling faded, and i reminded myself that even though i'm starting with nothing here, it's going to get a lot better. and i do realize that fact, when i'm being perfectly rational, which is most of the time. i have an interview tomorrow morning for a temporary job at the university book store. i think i'll be more immune from these painful little moments when i get out and start meeting people.

my friend R is really heaven sent to me, and not just because i am staying in her swank and modern condo in exchange for walking her dog. she's a true friend who believes in me, at a time when a lot of people simply don't. she's probably going to be able to help me get a high paying tutoring job, at least part time, which will give me an infinitely higher quality of life than waiting tables or whatever else i could find with such a scatterbrained resume like mine. i'm sure i'll eventually find my way back into professional sound tech-ing but it's very much a who-you-know business so it may take time.

as for my other two college friends who are here in town, one of them hasn't gotten back to me yet, and granted he is probably scared that i'm going to try to come live on his couch again like i did 12 years ago. the other one, a former band mate and something of a musical hero of mine, i haven't contacted yet, and i think i'm going to wait until i'm a little more settled here before i do. his rejection would sting too much right now to risk it...

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